Articles FR

How to launch the Windows command prompt in administrator of 3 different methods

Often when I answer to the internet users I have to explain how to do it, a video will be faster ;-). In the video I’m on Windows 10 but it works on Windows 8 and 7.

1st method :

You have to go through the Windows search menu.

  1. You can open it with the Windows at the bottom left of your keyboard.
  2. Enter :
    In the search bar.
  3. Right-click on « Command Prompt » and left-click on « Run as Administrator ».

Hold down the Ctrl and Maj ↑ then press the Entrée ↲

Here’s your command prompt is in admin.

2nd method :

  1. Right-click on the Windows icon in the lower left corner of the screen.
    A list appears. Depending on the version of Windows 10 that you have, you will be offered either Command Prompt (admin) or Windows Powershell (admin).
  2. Left-click on Command Prompt (admin) or Windows Powershell (admin).

Here’s your command prompt is in admin.

3rd method :

Open your Windows Explorer keyboard shortcut + E

  1. Go to the following address:
  2. Search for cmd, right click on « Run as administrator ».

Here’s your command prompt is in admin.

Enjoy ????

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Passionné d'informatique depuis plus de 20 ans, touche à tout, j'essaie d'expliquer l'informatique pour qu'il soit compris par le plus grand nombre et pour que vous puissiez vous dépanner à bas cout.

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