Articles FR

How to enable Clipboard History on Windows 10

When you do a lot of copying and pasting, there is nothing more annoying than losing a paper press due to improper handling. Fortunately, Microsoft made up for this with the 1809 update released in November 2018.

Youtube video (remember to activate subtitles if necessary)

1. How to activate it

To activate, it is ultra simple. Just make a Windows + V

Just press Windows+V
Just press Windows+V

Then click Activate.

By default it is disabled
By default it is disabled

Or passing through the parameters:

Searching the clipboard in the settings
Searching the clipboard in the settings

2. Operation

The operation is ultra simple, to display the history of the clipboard, just press Windows + V.

View of clipboard and copied items
View of clipboard and copied items

By clicking on the 3 small dots at the top right you have 3 choices Delete (selected paper press), pin the paper press or erase all.

A reboot will erase all clipboard except pinned clipboard.

By logging in with your Microsoft account, you can sync clipboards with other devices.

3. 3 It’s great but…

This option is great but be careful, if you share your workstation with other people, remember to erase everything before leaving the PC.

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Passionné d'informatique depuis plus de 20 ans, touche à tout, j'essaie d'expliquer l'informatique pour qu'il soit compris par le plus grand nombre et pour que vous puissiez vous dépanner à bas cout.

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